How To Winterize Your RV For Winters In Edmonton

Published on 11/23/2023

Storing your RV during winters in Edmonton requires proper preparation to protect it from the harsh weather conditions. Learn essential tips and tricks for safe and effective RV storage during the winter months in Edmonton. Below you will find 11 tips on how to winterize your RV, which will ensure that it’s in perfect working condition when spring arrives.

1. Fully winterize your water system

Frozen pipes mean cracked pipes. To avoid freezing, fully winterize your water system. Each unit has specific water system winterization guidelines to follow in your owner’s manual. Larger RVs equipped with washing machines, dishwashers, and ice machines, will require a few extra water system winterization steps.

All units follow the most basic steps: First, ensure the water heater is off, then drain and flush all pipes. To remove every last drop of water, open all faucets while draining. When filling the system with antifreeze, make sure that the antifreeze reaches all faucets. Even pour antifreeze into all the drains.

Pro tip: When prepping your water system for antifreeze, it’s best to install a water heater bypass kit. The bypass kit avoids wasting antifreeze on the water heater.

2. Remove your batteries and store in a dry place

Winter temperatures are your RV’s worst predator. For all batteries, turn off the RV’s disconnect and breaker switches. Also, when disconnecting batteries, remove the negative cable first. If your cables aren’t labelled already, add labels to easily reconnect when you pull your RV out of storage in the spring.

Single batteries are easy to winterize. Store fully-charged batteries in a warm, dry spot. Do not store batteries on a concrete floor, unless you want a dead battery by the end of winter. Concrete slowly drains the power from batteries.

Larger systems with multiple batteries will have specific instructions in the owner’s manual. It’s usually better to keep these batteries installed. If leaving your batteries in your RV, still disconnected the negative battery cable. Check the battery charge level periodically throughout the winter, and recharge when necessary.

3. Apply a coat of good quality wax or protectant to the RV exterior

Winterizing your RV means protecting it from all elements. To protect the exterior shell of your RV, purchase a good quality wax or protectant formula that is compatible with the composite of your unit. First, completely clean the exterior while checking for cracks or split seams. If you noticed any cracks while cleaning, patch these areas with a sealant specific to the materials of your RV. Then, wax the entire exterior.

4. Clean and dry your awning

While cleaning your RV’s exterior for waxing, clean and dry the awning. Two birds in one step! It’s important to make sure the awning fabric is completely dry to prevent molding. The same goes for pop-up or fold-out trailers with fabric or canvas siding. Nothing worse than the smell of mildew. Yuck!

5. Remove, clean, and replace your AC filters

While cleaning your RV’s exterior and awning, you should also clean the exterior of your air conditioning. Remove, clean, and replace the air conditioner’s filters before tucking your RV away for the winter. The goal is to leave your rig clean and dry so there are no surprises in the spring and people often forget about doing maintenance on the AC.

6. Service all locks and hinges

This step is quick and easy, but just as important as the rest if you want a well-working RV in the spring. Take a few minutes to lubricate your locks and hinges before stowing your RV to avoid creaks, jams, and breaks in the spring. A little lubing goes a long way!

7. Tidy and clean the interior

If your RV is going to be stored untouched for the winter months, you want to leave it sparkling clean. Again, you don’t want any surprises in the spring. A clean RV offers fewer hiding spaces for critters and mold. And by clean, we mean sanitize! Aside from general cleaning, remove all clothing and blankets to be stored at home. Lift couch cushions and mattresses, and leave them propped against each other or walls for optimal airflow. Obviously, it’s a good idea to take out any leftover food and beverages.

8. Cover your RV wheels to protect from the elements

The last step, if you will be storing your RV outside, cover your wheels to protect them from the elements like sun scorching.

The jury is out on whether covering the entire RV with a tarp is a good idea or not. On one hand, it protects the outer shell from snow and debris. On the other side of the debate, a tarp could trap moisture so if you do cover it, be sure to use a breathable shell.

If you’re a seasoned RVer, you know the importance of taking your time to properly winterize your rig. Let us know if you have any secret tips and tricks that make winterizing a little easier!

9. Prep for Pests

While our facilities are full gravel lots, you never can do too much to keep pests away, especially during winters. Ensure the RV is sealed properly; this will ensure that pests like rats and mice don’t enter the RV during the winters and make a home there. You don’t want to open your RV during springtime and find your interior destroyed by rats.

To seal cracks, pipes and other potential entry points for critters, you can use dryer sheets. If they are lightly scented, that would be even better. Dryer sheets work well at keeping critters away from entering your RV.

10. Stabilizing Your Fuel

You will need to add a fuel stabilizer when parking your RV for long, like the winter season. Fuel that isn’t used and remains in the fuel tank will form sticky deposits. This can cause damage to the engine.

The sticky deposits form due to oxidation, and to prevent that, you need to add a fuel stabilizer. When stabilizing the fuel, you first need to add the fuel stabilizer to the fuel tank and then fill it with gas.

Once the fuel tank is filled, you can start the RV and drive around a bit to ensure the fuel stabilizer runs through the entire fuel system. You can park your RV after this and be assured that you will not have any engine trouble when spring arrives.


At Parkland RV Storage we check on all of our customer units routinely, but it is always good to come and check on the inside of your unit to make sure everything is in order.  We plow out all of our drive aisles throughout the winter to ensure you have quick and easy access to your unit throughout the winter season.  We hope this article has helped you understand how to winterize your RV and helped you save a lot of dollars on service centre fees.